Tag Archives: website

THE WORKINGS…as of lately.

I’ve been spending lots of free time working on getting VIFs new site up and running. It’s a huge makeover with a lot more interactive things. I’m super excited for it to be done and when people get to use it! This could seriously be a full time job. My target goal is to finish by October 1. Here are some screen shots.

NEW WEBSITE & DOMAIN.coming soon.

So ya’ll. Since I got married and all, and changed my name officially (well, awhile ago) I should get a new domain. However, I can’t get a new domain on this wordpress blog, so it is going to have to be this until I become big and famous. But for my official website with my portfolio and the purpose to drum up some freelance work, I’m redoing my website. I’m using wordpress to do so and adapting a template to showcase my artwork. My new domain will be http://www.vanessawyler.com and it is currently live, just discovered that, I thought it wasn’t! Oh well!

Well I have to work on posting all my work, so far I’ve just got a few things, there is probably some other kinks I’ll eventually work out. But take a look at some screenshots, and check it out www.vanessawyler.com. Let me know if you see something that needs fixing! Thanks.