Tag Archives: etsy

Vanessa Joy – etsy shop

It’s official. And it’s open. I got my etsy shop up and running and filled with a few items. However, lots more will be coming soon!! So click on the image to the right and it will take you straight to my shop! Happy shopping 🙂

Here are a few items you can find there…

I have some more ideas for belts, hair clips, shoe clips and more… so check back soon!

FLOWERS GALORE.etsy store coming soon

Holy flowers. I have literally taken over our kitchen table with a fun project. Drew honestly doesn’t mind eating dinner on the ottoman and neither do I! But anyways, here are some tidbits of what I’ve been working on…which I will soon be putting available from my very own etsy store. So stay tuned!!

PS these were taken from my lovely iphone, not my neato camera.