Tag Archives: fabric

FLOWERS GALORE.etsy store coming soon

Holy flowers. I have literally taken over our kitchen table with a fun project. Drew honestly doesn’t mind eating dinner on the ottoman and neither do I! But anyways, here are some tidbits of what I’ve been working on…which I will soon be putting available from my very own etsy store. So stay tuned!!

PS these were taken from my lovely iphone, not my neato camera.


I think my mom figured I’d be crafty when I was older, probably because I colored in the lines when I was really little. Who knows. But anyways, I took a pause from my graphic designing (well not really, just not working on graphic design at home) to start a new little side project. I got a sewing machine for graduation and was going to whip it out this weekend.

I actually never got it out. Instead I picked up a needle and thread, along with a bunch of other sewing supplies, including scrap fabric from Walmart. That stuff is like a $1. Go get a ton! I also got this neato “photo box” which is now my scrap fabric and sewing stuff box at Hobby Lobby for about a $1. It even looks so cute on a shelf.

Well anyways, here is what I made with the fabric. I’m looking at opening up an etsy shop, first and foremost to drum up business for wedding invitations and other design projects, as well as maybe selling some creations…If I ever get enough time to make them.

I’m not quite sure what I am doing with all these flowers. I was thinking shirts, pillows, shoes, scarfs, necklaces, hats, really anywhere. If you had some of these flowers, where would you wear them?